Winter Preparation

  1. Storing your Classic Mini in Winter
    Categories: Mini Servicing

    Storing your Classic Mini in Winter

    Are you storing your Classic Mini this Winter? As we approach the colder months, many of us are starting to think about storing your Classic Mini for Winter. There are some preventative measures that you can take to ensure your Mini is protected whilst in storage. Since the introduction of the new E10 fuel in […]

  2. Prep your Mini for Winter!
    Categories: Mini Servicing & Services at Mini Sport

    Prep your Mini for Winter!

    Winter is coming! No, we’re not just doing our best Jon Snow impression… Winter is pretty much here and it’s time to start thinking about preparing your Mini if you haven’t already… After all, the Great British Weather is anything but predictable – could we have a January heat wave, or will we be hit […]

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